Freescale 數字壓力傳感方案MPL115A
2010/4/2 10:55:00
Freescale 公司的MPL115A是數字輸出的絕對壓力傳感器,集成了MEMS壓力傳感器和調理IC,壓力測量從50 到115 kPa,集成的ADC提供經由I2C端口的數字化的溫度和壓力傳感器輸出,工作電壓從2.375V到5.5V. MPL115A可用在氣壓測定儀,高度計,氣象站,硬盤驅動器(HDD),工業設備,健康檢測,以及空氣控制系統.本文介紹了MPL115A的主要特性,方框圖以及I2C 和SPI MPL115A接口板電路圖.
The MPL115A2 is an absolute pressure sensor with digital output for low cost applications. A miniature 5x3x1.2 mm LGA package ideally suits it for portable electronics and space constrained applications. Low current consumptions of 5uA during Active mode and 1uA during Shutdown (Sleep) mode target battery and other low-power applications. A wide operating temperature range from -40℃ to +105℃ fits demanding environmental requirements.
MPL115A2 employs a MEMS pressure sensor with a conditioning IC to provide accurate pressure measurement from 50 to 115 kPa. An integrated ADC provides digitized temperature and pressure sensor outputs via an I2C port. Calibration Data is stored in internal ROM. Utilizing raw sensor output, the host microcontroller executes a compensation algorithm to render Compensated Absolute Pressure with 1 kPa accuracy.
The MPL115A2 pressure sensor’s small form factor, low power capability,precision, and digital output optimize it for barometric measurement applications.
Digitized pressure and temperature information together with programmed calibration coefficients for host micro use.
Factory Calibrated
50 kPa to 115 kPa Absolute Pressure
1 kPa Accuracy
2.375 V to 5.5 V Supply
Integrated ADC
I2C Interface
Monotonic Pressure and Temperature Data Outputs
Surface Mount RoHS Compliant Package
Barometry (portable and desk-top)
Weather Stations
Hard Disk-Drives (HDD)
Industrial Equipment
Health Monitoring
Air Control Systems


圖2.SPI MPL115A接口板電路圖

圖3.I2C MPL115A接口板電路圖
The MPL115A2 is an absolute pressure sensor with digital output for low cost applications. A miniature 5x3x1.2 mm LGA package ideally suits it for portable electronics and space constrained applications. Low current consumptions of 5uA during Active mode and 1uA during Shutdown (Sleep) mode target battery and other low-power applications. A wide operating temperature range from -40℃ to +105℃ fits demanding environmental requirements.
MPL115A2 employs a MEMS pressure sensor with a conditioning IC to provide accurate pressure measurement from 50 to 115 kPa. An integrated ADC provides digitized temperature and pressure sensor outputs via an I2C port. Calibration Data is stored in internal ROM. Utilizing raw sensor output, the host microcontroller executes a compensation algorithm to render Compensated Absolute Pressure with 1 kPa accuracy.
The MPL115A2 pressure sensor’s small form factor, low power capability,precision, and digital output optimize it for barometric measurement applications.
Digitized pressure and temperature information together with programmed calibration coefficients for host micro use.
Factory Calibrated
50 kPa to 115 kPa Absolute Pressure
1 kPa Accuracy
2.375 V to 5.5 V Supply
Integrated ADC
I2C Interface
Monotonic Pressure and Temperature Data Outputs
Surface Mount RoHS Compliant Package
Barometry (portable and desk-top)
Weather Stations
Hard Disk-Drives (HDD)
Industrial Equipment
Health Monitoring
Air Control Systems


圖2.SPI MPL115A接口板電路圖

圖3.I2C MPL115A接口板電路圖

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